SmartStart Website ~ Terms and Conditions
Sygnifi Networks LLC. © All Rights Reserved
SmartStart™ Program Terms and Conditions:
Services: Sygnifi Networks agrees to turnkey design, produce and implement all elements of the SmartStart™ Program component purchased, subject to client and assigned Core Connect Network’s direction and approval before launch. Project Management: Sygnifi Networks works collaboratively with the Core Connect staff throughout the SmartStart™ website or banner project life cycle to maintain effective coordination among the individuals and clients involvedCreative
Services and Content Development: SmartStart™ websites are designed to be generated using client provided text, graphics and photos within a predefined design and website management system. All text, graphics and photos are to be supplied to Sygnifi networks in an electronic manner. A dedicated Sygnifi Network Account Manager will work with the client provided information to help organize the initial website text and layout and format the information in the new website.Scope Management: SmartStart™ websites start with CMS Lite with up to a 10-page website that covers the basic categories a business would need to effectively promote itself. Additional options are available during checkout and anything larger or the need of additional functions that are not listed on the SmartStart™ website form is considered a custom and is to be estimated separately.
All website development, client are provided SILVER level of training where they are supplied access to totorials that covers how to use the cms and the components as part of the initial invoice. After completing the totorals a one on one session will be scheduled with a trainer. If additional changes or time is requested by the client, it is billed at standard $45.00 hourly rates. Training Packages are available to reduce the hourly rate to $40.00 hourly and access to additional resources.
Project Schedule: Project durations are estimated based on our experience with programs of similar scope and complexity. A one month schedule from start to finish reflects our planned project development process; The project schedule is based on all parties meeting the timeframe shown; delays in delivering critical path milestones by the client can affect the overall project delivery timeframe. The project remaining balance can be called due if the required content has not been recieved within 30 days of request.
Client agrees to pay Sygnifi Networks for the SmartStart™ website sum outlined in the SmartStart™ order form for said item, to be paid in advance of development and posting.
Setup fee for basic SmartStart™ website is $675, and includes one web-based e-mail account, initial website development, content organization assistance, layout of the site, and SILVER level website system management training. Additional hosting fees apply and are separate from building costs. Client has choice of paying for hosting on a monthly basis with a credit card ($29.95/month) or annually with either credit card or check ($359.40/year).
eCommerce websites are quoted separately, and include one web-based e-mail account, initial website development, content organization assistance, layout of the site, and SILVER level website system management training. Additional hosting fees and security certificate costs apply and are separate from building costs. Client has choice of paying for hosting on a monthly basis with a credit card ($29.95/month) or annually with either credit card or check ($359.40/year). Security Certificates cost is $149 and must be paid prior to website going live. Client must sign up for a secure online merchant account in order to conduct transactions (not part of this agreement).
Domain name registration if required is $25 per domain per year fee billed additional.
Additional website development and support is available at a $45 per hour rate as needed upon request. Sygnifi Networks is a full service website development and hosting company.
- License: The client owns and controls certain creative materials that have been provided to Sygnifi Networks by the client, which are necessary for Sygnifi Networks to perform the Services hereunder, including without limitation art and photographs (collectively, the "Creative Materials").
Client hereby grants Sygnifi Networks a non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use all such Creative Materials in completing this program.
Ownership: All final development work related to the Sygnifi Network SmartStart™ program and/or banner ads will remain the sole property of Sygnifi Networks. Client provided text, graphics, and photos are the property of the client. Client website domains are the property of the client when paid for in full. Sygnifi Networks owns all related SmartStart™ software and application code used to build the SmartStart™ website indefinitely.
Sygnifi Networks reserves the right to reuse any system code for other SmartStart™ clients as needed, Sygnifi Netoworks also reserves the right to highlight any SmartStart™ website to demonstrate its products and services to potential clients. Client must be a member of an Sygnifi Networks to purchase or renew their SmartStart™ related product and/or service
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Cancellation Policy (Termination/Cancellation of Client Account): Either Client or Sygnifi Networek may terminate or cancel Client’s Account (or any part of the Service) at any time.
Termination by Client: Client may cancel their Account or any part of the Service at any time. Client must provide written notice to Sygnifi Networks of their intent to cancel. Client will receive a cancellation confirmation via email after Sygnifi Networks processes Client’s cancellation request. Sygnifi Networks reserves the right to collect fees, surcharges or costs incurred before Client cancels. Client understands that there will be no reimbursement and no pro-rate if he or she decides to terminate the services before the end of a prepaid term, regardless of the reason for the termination.
Termination by Sygnifi Netoworks: Sygnifi Networks may terminate Client’s account if Sygnifi Networks determines to discontinue offering the Service. Additionally, Sygnifi Networks, in its sole discretion, may terminate Client’s Account or use of the Service for any reason, including, without limitation, (a) if Client breaches this Agreement, or (b) if Sygnifi Networks believes that Client has violated or acted inconsistently with the spirit of this Agreement. If Sygnifi Network terminates Client’s Account pursuant to above, Client will forfeit all prepaid fees, and any other amounts accruing to Client, if any, and Sygnifi Networks shall not be required to refund, redeem, or pay amounts to Client upon such termination. Upon termination of Client’s Account for any reason, Sygnifi Networks reserves the right to (a) collect all charges, fees, commitments and obligations incurred or accrued by Client; (b) delete any client Content or other information in connection with Client’s Account; (c) prohibit Client’s access to Client’s Account, including without limitation, by deactivating Client’s password; and (d) refuse Client future access to the Service.